Classic but effective advice to prevent viruses and cyberattacks

Photo by Štefan Štefančík on Unsplash

At Eagle Tech, we are always willing to help all those who need security in their systems. Still, for each user, it is necessary to remember from time to time those classic but effective advice to keep their computers and networks safe. Cybercriminals are always on the lookout to see who they can attack, and take advantage of their data in different fields. That is why, in the following lines, we comment on those best tips.

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Following these classic but effective advice will keep cybercriminals at bay

To prevent attacks, viruses or any malware on computers, it is enough to follow the classic but effective advice that is repeated year after year. Since we are just about to start a new year, what better than with security at the top? Something that Eagle Tech will continue to offer and look for in 2023. Also, these are weeks where many users are deceived with false offers; the festivities cause this.

Love and hate antivirus

To be honest, the relationship with antivirus is one of love and hate at the same time. We are happy to know that we are safe with its activation on computers, but one of the reasons why many users end up uninstalling or forgetting the existence of this service, is that they can be very tedious with “offers” and promotions. It is already proven that users hate advertising.

Another compelling reason is that they do not fully understand how antiviruses work, even the simple but powerful ones, such as the one that comes by default with the Windows system. It’s not that it’s the best antivirus on the market, but it works for computers for personal use.

Never browse suspicious sites

Suspicious sites abound. If you are not a regular user but use your computers for specific things, do not trust sites of dubious origin or with strange names, especially those misspelled. Also, be very aware of the emails where they tell you that “you are an heir to a great fortune,” or anything along these lines.

Be careful with the people who contact you through social networks. You can never be very safe on the net. Cybercriminals are always looking for ways to trick people and manage to commit their misdeeds.

Always update

Another of users’ typical errors is not updating their equipment. This is due to two reasons: first, they do not understand what these updates are like or what they are for on any of the computers. The second is almost the same as antivirus; they do not support so many notifications about these updates, but these are necessary to patch system security errors.

The Firewall: the first line of defense

Many users confuse the firewall with the antivirus, but they are not the same. Having one or the other is not an option; it is best to have both. Some firewall programs have their own antivirus but never hesitate to use both. Combining these two allows all users to protect their data and information with strong security.


Another Achilles heel for users: many use a very simple password with the excuse that they must be able to remember them. They also use the same one for all their accounts, which is another serious mistake. That is why password managers have been created that use biometric data to secure the passwords of all accounts. Ways of a passwordless future are currently being explored, but this is still a long way off.

It never hurts to have several forms of security, and that is why these classic but effective advice are still so valid. Never forget that protecting your data and systems, whether personal or business, will never be a waste of time.

Keep in touch with our blog to read the latest news and innovations in the cybersecurity world. 

Classic but effective advice

Photo by Štefan Štefančík on Unsplash.

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Cybersecurity and IT Managed Services